Mary Poppendieck: Beyond Agile: Product Thinking and Software Engineering for the Future Sprint Consulting 37:15 1 year ago 1 333 Далее Скачать
Six Decades of Software Engineering with Mary and Tom Poppendieck Enterprise Agile 1:55:58 4 years ago 254 Далее Скачать
The Future of Software Engineering • Mary Poppendieck • GOTO 2016 GOTO Conferences 57:06 8 years ago 87 373 Далее Скачать
Mary and Tom Poppendieck interview on the state and the future of software development Agile Croatia 26:16 9 years ago 757 Далее Скачать
Mary Poppendieck - The Future of Software Engineering Patrick Fritz 1:22:40 6 years ago 317 Далее Скачать
Leaning into an Agile Mindset with Mary & Tom Poppendieck Teamit Inc 1:05:36 3 years ago 428 Далее Скачать
#91 - Lean Software Development Principles and Mindset - Mary & Tom Poppendieck Tech Lead Journal 58:40 2 years ago 735 Далее Скачать
Six Decades of Software Engineering - Mary Poppendieck (46m talk + 36m Q&A) [2020.07 DevOps Lisbon] DevOpsLisbon 1:23:14 4 years ago 1 372 Далее Скачать
Lean Software Development with Mary and Tom Poppendeick Agile Uprising 53:57 6 years ago 74 Далее Скачать
The Future of Software Engineering – Mary Poppendieck DevTernity Conference 52:12 1 year ago 388 Далее Скачать
AgileByExample 2014: Mary Poppendieck - Beyond Metrics AgileByExample 54:19 10 years ago 930 Далее Скачать
Mary Poppendieck: Burn Your Backlog, Optimise for Flow, Pandemic Response, AI and Future of Work Aginext 1:01:49 3 years ago 1 325 Далее Скачать
Mary Poppendieck : "The Scaling Dilemma", Agileadria 2015 Keynote Agile Croatia 1:00:56 9 years ago 2 815 Далее Скачать
Leadership and Lean Internet of Things with Mary and Tom Poppendieck Mob Mentality Show 42:56 2 years ago 179 Далее Скачать
y and Tom Poppendieck interview on the state and the future of software development Susan Mcgrory 31:31 6 years ago 12 Далее Скачать
ABE light 2018: Mary Poppendieck - Four Metaphors AgileByExample 1:00:26 6 years ago 2 577 Далее Скачать
The Five Habits of Successful Lean Development - Mary Poppendieck AgileVancouver 59:57 11 years ago 6 409 Далее Скачать
The Aware Organization by Mary Poppendieck - Lean IT Summit 2014 InstitutLeanFrance 42:47 10 years ago 833 Далее Скачать
The Intersection of Design and Engineering - Mary Poppendieck AgileVancouver 1:41:16 12 years ago 855 Далее Скачать